Friday, May 29, 2009
I have been having to much Tom Foolery to post lately! But I needed the laugh. OMGSH!!! True lost for words. Spectacular has started something that I can't and won't understand! Does he have golds in his mouth and red underwear on? I am so *DEAD* Tom foolery at it's best! I wonder what LIL Duval is going to have to say! lololololol *DEAD DEAD DEAD*
T.I. {Contact Information}

Thanks to Twitter and Free (106 and Park) Here is T.I.'s contact information if you want to write him and show your support.
Clifford Harris RN# 59458-019
FCI Forrest City Low Federal Correctional Institution
P.O Box 9000
Forrest City, AR 72336
Sidebar*** Am I the only one that misses Free and A.J. on 106? I mean I like Rocsi and Tererance J but I miss the originals.
Princess Rhi Rhi vs Beat down brown p2 {Court}

According to Rhianna is going to testify in the preliminary hearing next month for the prosecution in the case versus Beat Down Brown. At first I never really spoke my mind when it came to this issue, but after seeing the video Brown posted, I am to thru! He acted as if the people who "HATE" on him have always hated on him. I have never hated on him until now! Child Boo if you don't sit your tired self down and go read a book! I think you need to go to prison for a month or two and share cell's with the Booty Bandit! LM{DISGUSTED}AO! To read the rest of the story make sure you click
Rihanna’s attorney says the singer, 21, will attend a hearing next month as a possible witness in the assault case against ex Chris Brown.
Donald Etra says that prosecutors have informed him that Rihanna will receive a subpoena to testify during a preliminary hearing in L.A. on June 22.
“The DA told me Rihanna will be subpoenaed. I will accept on her behalf,” Etra tells “She will appear in court, and if asked to testify, she will do so.”
Asked how Rihanna is, Etra told Us, “She is doing fine. She is continuing with her career and moving on with her life and doing great.”
On Thursday, a judge denied a motion by Brown’s attorneys to receive confidential police and investigative records to determine who leaked a photograph of a battered Rihanna to the media.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg told attorney Mark Geragos the motion was premature and he could file it again after the preliminary hearing, which will determine whether there is enough evidence to continue a case against Brown.
Brown – who faces assault and criminal threats charges for the alleged February attack on Rihanna — has pleaded not guilty.
On Wednesday, a YouTube video of Brown surfaced. While promoting an upcoming album, he declared, “Everybody that’s haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain’t a monster.”
C-Murder {Caught on tape}
This is very disturbing to my spirit! I am so afraid of guns 'til it ain't even funny. Here it is on camera C-murder attempting to shoot. Is he serious? Is anything that serious that your willing to kill someone? Take a chance at going to jail for life or getting the death sentence? I mean really? I am at a lost for words. I used to love him, but this video put things into perspective for me. He's definately a hot head.
Comedy Spoof {Spectacular}
I mean really what did he expect? That little one man show he did was nothing but TOM FOOLERY at it's best! Happy Friday People!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Michael Vick {Still got it}
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wait What? {21 Kids, 11 Baby mother's}

29 year old Desmond Hatchett has now fathered at least 21 children he can’t support. Hatchett was in child support court again last week. His name appeared on the dockett 11 times in one day, representing 15 of his children.
Hatchett says he wasn’t out to set a record. He says he never intended to have this many children, “It just happened.” He fathered the children by at least 11 different women and he claims all of the mothers knew about his large family. The children range in age from newborn to 11 years old.
The question Knox County officials now face is how to support all these children. Hatchett works a minimum wage job and by law the state can only take 50% of his paycheck for child support. By the time that money is split 21 ways, some of the mothers get less than $2 per month. That leaves the taxpayers footing a large portion of the bill for these children.
Chris Brown {I'm not a monster}
Here is Mr. Brown speaking for the first time in a while (actually ever) since the incident with Princess Rhi Rhi. I still have nothing.
Spectacular {I'm not GAY}
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dry's response {Tom Foolery part 2}
OMGSH!!! I follow @LilDuval on twitter, and not to long ago I started following @Drydickdonnie Lil Duval's homeboy. OMGSH if these aren't 2 of the funniest cats in the game right now. I found myself going back to Drydickdonnie's very first tweet and reading them to my co-workers and friends. Anyway here is his response video to Spectacular's Tom Foolery. Enjoy! *DEAD*
via lilduvaltv on youtube
B. Scott's {No Hate}
Spectacular from Pretty Ricky WTH????{Tom Foolery of the day!!!}
@Lil Duval's tweet pretty much says everything for me:
watching this pretty ricky n*gga is worst than watching 1 guy 1 cup …and if u watched all the way thru UNFOLLOW ME
So everyone has been emailing and texting me asking me to post this, and all I can do is shake my head! So many question's come to mind, but you know what I can't. I couldn't even watch the video all the way through so I have no clue what happens at the end. Just from the first few seconds of the video I was *DEAD*. *DEAD* *DEAD*
Tiny and Toya {Go BET}

According to Tiny {T.I.'s fiance on the right} and Toya {Lil Wayne's ex-wife on the left} will have a reality show to air on BET june 30th at 10pm. Not the chick with the zebra tights. I most definately will be watching! I like both chicks, they seem to keep it so Jazzy and low key, who wouldn't love a chick who doesn't try and ride the limelight?
TI’s finace Tiny and Lil Wayne’s ex-wife Toya have struck a TV Deal with BET.:
TINY AND TOYA is BET’s provocative, new half-hour docu-drama chronicling the lives of Tameka “Tiny” Cottle and Antonia “Toya” Carter – two dynamic, young women immersed in the craziness of the hip-hop world, but striving to find inner-strength, peace and purpose. On the surface, their real-life story plays out like an urban fairytale – both women falling in love with two of hip hop’s most successful princes (T.I. and Lil’ Wayne) and living the life of the rich and famous.
Set in the heart of Atlanta, against the backdrop of the multi-billion dollar music industry, TINY AND TOYA follows the journey of two best friends overcoming their struggles to discover who they really are, from the inside out. They are tired of being defined by others (in the shadow of their high-profile men) and are determined to rely on each other and the strength from within to find their purpose and build a brighter future for themselves and their families. article Picture
Halle Berry {Switchin the hair game again}
Beyonce {not so good housewife}

Apparently Ms. Beyonce is not a good housewife. While on David Letterman she stated that she can't cook or clean. I used to be like Bey on that cooking tip, but a real man loves a woman who can cook. She'll learn soon enough.
While appearing on, The Late Show with David Letterman Beyonce let a little secret slip. She admitted that she can’t cook or clean. “When I’m home, I’m so lazy. I mean, I literally drop my shoes there. I can’t cook. Anything to do with cleaning, cooking, I’m just bad at it.” Well there has to be something Jay-Z loves about the Single Lady’s singer. Wonder what it is?
Mike tyson's Youngest passes away

Iron Mike's youngest daughter passes away after a *tragic* tredmill accident according to My heart goes out to Mike and his family. To read the full details make sure you click on
Mike Tyson’s 4-year-old daughter Exodus is on life support after an accident involving home exercise equipment, the Associated Press reports. In what police in Phoenix call a tragic accident Monday morning at Tyson’s home there, the girl was reportedly found by her 7-year-old brother with her neck caught in a cable attached to a treadmill.
The boy alerted the girl’s mother in another room. Her mother called 911 and tried to revive her, according to the AP. Mike Tyson was said to be in Las Vegas at the time of the accident, but has returned home.
Phoenix police Sgt. Andy Hill told FOX News, “Somehow she was playing on this treadmill, and there’s a cord that hangs under the console – it’s kind of a loop. Either she slipped or put her head in the loop, but it acted like a noose, and she was obviously unable to get herself off of it.”
Emergency personnel performed CPR on Exodus, who was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital where she remains on life support, according to the Fox News report. Sgt. Hill described her condition as “extremely critical.”
A rep for the Phoenix Police Department has just released the following statement regarding Mike Tyson’s 4-year-old daughter:
I was just advised by investigators that Exodus Tyson was pronounced deceased at 11:45 AM today at the hospital. Our sympathies go out to the family.
Paramedics were called to Tyson’s Phoenix home at around 10:30 Monday morning when his 7-year-old son found the young girl hanging from a treadmill by its power cable.
Tyson’s reps have no comment at this time.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Trina and Bleu Magazine

Ms. Trina talking about her relationship with her boo Kenyon Martin and also speaks on how her song "HERE WE GO" with Kelly Rowland was inspired by her relationship with Weezy. (WHOA) I had no clue, but enjoy!
"My relationship with Kenyon is something that I’ve never ever endured before. This is the first time that I’ve been in a relationship where I’m completely happy and completely secure and I feel like I have someone there for me 100-percent, she says on dating Kenyon Martin.
“While I was in a relationship (with Lil’ Wayne), and it was a good relationship, but something was just not right. No matter how much you put into it, no matter how much love you give, something can always go wrong. And that’s how the “Here We Go” Ft. Kelly Rowland came about. It’s from a real-life experience"

The Positive's of growing up in the White House

First Lady speaking on the positive's the white house has on the girls.
The White House has bestowed a surprisingly calming influence on the First Family, according to Michelle Obama – who says the residence has been a particularly positive experience for daughters Malia 10, and Sasha, 7.
When it comes to living in the Executive Mansion, the First Lady tells Time magazine for its latest issue, on sale Friday, “It has been the greatest single benefit of this for us as a family. It means that we see each other every day. And that hasn’t happened for most of the kids’ lifetime.”
As the wife of Illinois’s junior senator, Mrs. Obama was once asked if she would consider a move to Washington, D.C. “I was like, no,” she remembers. Now, she’s enjoying having the man of the house at home.
Still, it is the White House. On maintaining their perspective and keeping the family intact, Mrs. Obama says, “We stay 100 percent in their world all the time. And I don’t know if you understand that, but their lives are very disconnected from this [place]. You can do that with kids when they are young, because they just don’t care.”
He also takes work breaks for what he terms “Michelle time,” when retreats from his office to the residence. Every now and then, his wife shows up in the West Wing with family dog Bo or the kids for what the magazine calls “a brief but lively interruption.”
Beyonce's "EGO"
Here is the video for "EGO" by Beyonce. I love this song, my "EGO" is realy on swole right now. Happy Friday everyone!!! :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My baby daddy home! (Mike Vick)

My man's home, My mans home!!!! Yay!!! to read the story please click read more
Former star quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons, Michael Vick, was released from a Leavenworth, Kansas federal prison early Wednesday. His publicist, Judy Smith, and Federal Bureau of Prisons, confirmed his release. Smith said the athlete will serve the remaining two months of his 23-month sentence in home confinement.
According to CNN, Vick's sports agent, who negotiated his $140 million contract with the Falcons, believes the athlete will resume his professional football career as soon as September upon a pending NFL reinstatement. On the contrary, the athlete's attorneys say he will make a living at the Newport News construction firm immediately after his release and that he has also consented to take part in a documentary film for $600,000.
Last month, Vick presented a Chapter 11 plan to a bankruptcy judge which was denied and he was advised to submit another plan to emerge from bankruptcy. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank Santoro said the plan requested up to $1 million in cash to paid to creditors but did not believe Vick could immediately produce that amount of money in a short amount of time. Santoro suggested that Vick should do away with two houses and three cars he intended to keep in the rejected proposal.
In his testimony, Vick admitted to mishandling his funds when he was making up to $12 million a year with his Flacons salary and acknowledged that his actions were "heinous" and that he should have acted more responsibly.
After his release, Vick plans to work with the Humane Society of the United States in a anti-dog fighting campaign to raise awareness among young people about the blood sport, in addition to mentoring those who have already participated dog fights.
Humane Society President Wayne Pacelle said that VIck's case has already sparked awareness of the animal cruelty, dog dighting in particular. He noted that the Humane Society offers rewards to people to tip off or give leads to suspected dog fights, and so far $40,000 has been paid out in five different cases.
Vick plead guilty in August of 2007 to a federal charge of bankrollng a dog fight operation in his Virginia home.
Police! Are they really the "good guys?"
This is so digusting!!! I have so much beef with police and this is just another thing to add to my collection! I mean really?
Over reports "innocent 14 year old beat and choked by toledo police in brand witlocks kid doesnt even weigh a 100 pounds both cops over 200 + beat with club burnt his face on motor footage of the cops choking the kid cops telling him dont get weak now all of this just because they asked him to stand up and he stood up slowly. "
My favorite Hip Hop Couple in Spain
Keyshia says "Absolutely NOT" Plus S2s Magazine cover
For Hip Hop News & Entertainment at DimeWars.Com
Keyshia flat out says if she doesn't approve their show it will not happen! HELLO she says she needs to know every story line and every everything! Hello!
To see the cover of the s2s magazine cover Keyshia did with her mother make sure you click read more. All I have to say is I know Frankie is throwing a hissy fit! LM(mean)AO!

D. Woods and again she's not saying anything

Soooooo Bossip had an interview with D. (never says anything woods) and she had so much of nothing to say. Does she really think her little solo project is gone do a thang? I know I won't be supporting it, and I also know alot of other people who won't either. I never had a problem with her until she started being so "real" and exposing people yet she never really gave any answers. She always wants to talk about being so real but has yet to give us anything. GIRL STOP! To read the interview she had with bossip make sure you click
Bossip: We spoke with Dawn a few weeks ago and discussed the whole MTB finale being a Dawn “hatefest.” Was it a hatefest?
D. Woods: I think that the finale was nothing like that. I do fell like if they feel like people or the different girls in the group were hating on her, then they were very misinformed because they don’t know the situation. They don’t really know her hand in the demise of the group and her involvement in it. Definitely some of the actions and they things that she said led up to the animosity. I really don’t hold on to any of that. But, it was very much of a betrayal. I would definitely say that if two people, three people, and then four people all have a certain feeling towards one person, then maybe that one person did do something and does deserve the things that are happening to them. The public is not stupid. They can see stuff like that. I don’t have to tell you everything that happened and everything that she did, because people can see. Real recognizes real. I definitely feel like me having to come back to the finale and have to sit there while they further fabricate the cause of how the group got to where it is now…I mean if were gonna talk about it let’s talk about it. But if you don’t want to hear the truth, then don’t ask me, and don’t ask me to come back and sit here while you continue to lie about me like you lied about me for an entire season and tried to depict me in a certain way. Like, we’re supposed to act like it’s all good and it’s true. Those are my feelings of the finale. I only had to show up because it was the last obligation of my contract.
Bossip: What made you try out in the first place?
D.Woods: I tried out for MTB because one of the producers that I was working with kind of convinced me to go do it. He was like what’s the worst that could happen. If they don’t pick you, in which they probably will pick you, then they’ll just remember you when were ready to shop your project. That was the whole point of my going in the first place.
Bossip: What’s the sound of your solo project?
D. Woods: I’m moving on with my sound. I don’t put myself in a box or label myself one thing. I’m a mixture of the things that I’ve been exposed to. It’s high energy, I guess you could consider it pop, because it’s not just urban. It’s not just any one thing.
Bossip: When are you releasing it?
D. Woods: I’m in the process right now of developing a whole rollout for my project. We’ll be releasing a single this summer. It will probably be the fourth quarter for the entire album.
Bossip: Who are you working with?
D. Woods: One of the main producers of the project, his name is Sound, and he’s out of Atlanta. We have a good chemistry and we’ve been working together for about two years now.
Bossip: On the earlier episodes of MTB, they tried to make you out to be the fat chick, when in reality you’re not at all. Do you still feel pressure in the industry to be a waif?
D. Woods: No, not at all. Especially because when that happened, that was the second season. The first season that I was there, we were in Miami and we were on the beach. I was running around in a bikini the entire time! I was never questioned. In fact, I was working the other girls out. I was pushing Aundrea along because she could go anymore. So, because I didn’t have a sob story, which they try to give you on the show, they had to find something where they thought that I would be vulnerable or feel insecure about.
Bossip: They basically conjured up a story to make you feel bad to get better ratings?
D. Woods: Yep. Because I didn’t feel bad at all. Like, the scene where I was standing there, and tears were coming out of my eyes, it was really moreso disappointment and feeling totally disrespected by the things that Puff was saying to me. The things that he said to me were very disrespectful and they didn’t even show all of it on TV. I was just like,’ I can’t believe this man is talking to me like this.’ I was trying to be respectful because I really didn’t know him. It was like the first week that we start working. I’m the tallest and my frame is different. I’m built more muscular. Out of everything that Puff could say about his new group, he chose to go negative. He had an opportunity to show how five different women could be beautiful in their own way. It was hurtful, especially to a Black woman coming from a Black man. It let me know the true type of person that I was working with.
Bossip: What’s your perception of Puff now?
D. Woods: I just feel like he’s a business man and that’s it. He’s in the business of television and he’s doing what he needs to do to make good television.
Bossip: What’s going on with the Girls Club?
D. Woods: We’re inducting new members all the time. It’s networking, it’s kind of like a sorority type of thing for the industry. It’s all about supporting your sisters and finding new opportunities… new ways to do things. Like a girl power type of thing. We have gatherings and meetings.
Bossip: What’s the process of getting in?
D. Woods: We feel people out. We bring you around the others. The founding members are myself, Mika Means & Chanel.
Why did she LIE?
While scrolling through I saw that she posted a video of Neffe and her bestie friend/stylist. Neffe them posted the video and on the video she clearly states that she is indeed pregnant with a little girl from her soon to be husband Sollow! So why did she tell sister2sister magazine that she wasn't? I personally don't care either way btu didn't she know the secret was gone come out when she dropped that load? What kind of Tom foolery is she on?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Must See movie "Precious"
This movie is backed by Tyler Perry and Oprah. It's starring Mo'nique, Mariah Carey. It's based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire. Looking at the previews I definately got to see it. Thanks to WSHH
Joc vs Bad Boy and Diddy

I was already thinking Joc and Diddy weren't going to make it, after browsing Bossip I got the confirmation to my thoughts. Click read more to read the article.
I got a phone call from Block Entertainment’s Yung Joc late last night. Shady business deals, missing budgets, and now rumors of company financial hardships – Yung Joc reached out to to share his side of the story. Block Entertainment’s number one artist has been noticeably absent from the roster for at least a year. There have been industry whispers going around that their was inner turmoil inside the record label, particularly between Joc and Block. A couple of weeks ago the newest rumor was that Joc was leaving Block Entertainment all together and had decided to make the full move over to Bad Boy records. But it looks like Harv and them over at Bad Boy records is playing games with easy going MC and now Joc’s taking everybody to court.
Joc broke down all his gripes regarding his relationship with the owner of Block Entertainment – Mr. Big Block. Joc alleges that due to contractual situations, unpaid royalties and unpaid advances the young business mogul and his legal team is currently in the process of taking legal action against his record label.
The multi-platinum rap star alleges that Block Ent/Bad Boy hasn’t offered any label support since 2007. Yung Joc went on to make shocking claims about the inner dealings of Block Ent.
According to Joc, he’s paid for his own public relations, claims to not be receiving his advance money for his projects, alleges that Block has used advances for other projects, and even makes shocking claims regarding his former management company 9196.
Joc quickly broke down his reason[s] for splitting with his former mgmt company, which happened to be owned by Big Block, but is fronted by CEO Rico Brooks. Yung Joc breaks down the situation by saying that it was nothing more then a 360 deal , that resulted in Block getting a piece of everything Joc. Wait, can’t a record label that also owns a mgmt company be considered a conflict of interest? Many people didn’t know, but Shakir Stewart and Ted Lucas took over mgmt of Joc’s career shortly after Joc ended his relationship with 9196. But since Shake’s suicide late last year, Yung Joc and two mgmt companies have taken over mgmt duties.
And what’s this I’m hearing about Big Block charging other record companies 25k to clear Joc for a record? I guess that explains why we haven’t seen Mr. Robinson in any video’s recently. Joc shared tells of Block’s ‘Suge Knight -esque” actions that’s prevented Joc from being cleared to do other music projects outside of Bad Boy and Block ENT.
But, though Jasiel Robinson is upset with his current business situation with Block, the popular artist wasn’t in the mood to throw grease. I have been hearing all kinds of rumors surrounding BlockENT and when I inquired about the street whispers, Joc made it clear that he was only interested in addressing his direct gripes with the company.
Joc is currently being legally represented by Londell Mcmillian and Nova Perry.
It should be noted that Joc’s new venture with Hot Stylz is a profitable one. Their smash single “Lookin Boy” feat Joc sold over a million ringtones and Joc’s currently hard at work on his newest project “Mr Robinson’s Neighborhood”. Joc has re-teamed up with producer Nitti and has provided me with three songs for you all to listen to, which I’ll have for you later today.
She by Shree
Jennifer Hudson "Get it girl"
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