I was visiting Necole Bitchie, and ran across this Tom Foolery. Understood that it's your money and you can do what you want... But what the hell? Nothing about this is cute... But to each is own so on that note I am going to leave you with the words of
Leojeanette's Twitt:
"What in the recession hell! He’s wearing my student loans around his neck…WELL OBVIOUSLY Mr.Pain dosnt need my $ or support…his next album is gona start with a Lime and end with a WIRE!" <--- *DEAD*
T-Pains response to all the Twitt's via his Twitter page was:
Let’s celebrate the fact a black man can have things like this and still care for 3 kids and wife in a $6 million house with 32 cars. Oldest child 5 and already got 4 million in her own account. I don’t do dumb sh*t like this till I know the fams good. so don’t judge me from what I buy. Judge me from what I do. Cuz it’s so many artists that put themself before their family.
1 comment:
Really? does he think that is a good looking chain? I just hope someone grabs it and hits him over the head with it! I so agree this is some serious tom foolery!!!!
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