Ok... So as you all know sadly Michael Jackson passed yesterday. {Sad Sad Day in America}. I felt like it wasn't true even tho I was watching CNN the whole time it still seemed unreal. But it was true. I turned to my Twitter community for comfort, and it seemed as if everyone was devastated. I saw tender tweets all throughout. What surprised me the most was how disgusted and angry Fat belly Hilton was. I knew then this was deeper and more heartfelt than anything going on at that moment. Then Twitter started going crazy with please unfollow Perez Hilton. I was so confused, that's when it surfaced. The true feelings of Perez on the Michael Jackson situation. To see the rest make sure you click

Any sensible person {blogger} would have reported he's in the hospital and said updates are coming throughout the day/night. Not Fat belly! No sir he jumped head first into the ignorant pool, and disgusted so many people while diving towards HELL. I was so disgusted I jumped out of my Jazzy Character and acted up. It took for my friend Sunshine {Click her name to follow her} to put it in perspective for me. {We are way better than that to stoop to his level. Let's continue celebrating MJ's life and his new home in glory.} The saddest part of all this is Fat belly never really seemed remorseful, instead of apologizing sincerely he just said something like, we all know his history and I just thought this was one of the stunts he has pulled like he has time and time again. SERIOUSLY? I totally understand why they punched him in his eye. Had I been around him I would have gave him another one to match the other eye! I never really cared for Fat belly either way, but now... It's nothing. I'm so straight on him. So on that note no more negativity nor will I speak on him again.
For posotive energy on twitter you should follow the following people...
Sunshine8000 ~ WhatstheT ~ ATLein ~ Tebyrd0020 There are so many more postitve tweets but those were the one's that helped me thru last night and I don't even think they knew! :) The Power of twitter!
Perez Petition to remove Perez as a Teen Choice 2009 Nominee. Tryna get 100,000 signatures {Please sign here}
Everyone... here is Perez Hilton's number!! SPAM IT! Retweet it 818-205-9033 tell this dude how u feel bout him. <==one of the more interesting tweets of the night lol.
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