From here on out I am going to recommend Blog sites that are a must in order to get through the day besides mine {smile}. This week I want to recommend that you go to go to darthjbgator as it fairly new but well worth the visit. There is an article on there talking about paying it forward, which is a topic rarely discussed as we only tend to worry about us and our surroundings. He brings that since of humor you need to make it through the day as well as the reality check we all need from time to time. From this article alone you know that this blog will keep you filled with everyday things that we tend to miss! One things for sure I will not miss this!!! Not going to this site will leave you wondering. Trust me it is well worth it,you will start wondering where has this blog been all my life, and glad it's in your life now. I put my blogging reputation on it which should tell you alot. Good job DarthJBGator you are definitely worth the read. Smooches
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