I didn't see the thing live as I wasn't really interested in the awards. I ended up seeing it on youtube and had to tell you. I don't think it was staged and I think that "The real slim shady" is disgusted, but what can he do? What are your thoughts?
Brüno, the gay Austrian fashion reporter, descended via wires from the rafters dressed as some sort of S&M angel. He then appeared to get caught up in his suspension wires, flipping upside down and writhing in apparent pain before asking to be lowered to the floor. he crashed to the ground — upside-down and directly on top of Eminem, wrapping his legs around the rapper’s head, exposing his bare buttocks within inches of Em’s face. “Eminem, nice to meet you,” said Brüno. Eminem,not pleased. “Are you serious?” he said, uttering an expletive and demanding that his bodyguards get Brüno off of him.As Em left his seat, Brüno asked, “Is the real Slim Shady about to stand up?” Stand up he did. He then proceeded to leave the auditorium as cameras followed his exit.
Is this Karma for all the mean and disgusting things Eminem has said and done to a lot of people? *DEAD*
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