Lil Duval is soooo funny to me. I follow him on twitter, and I have his tweets sent to my phone, and the things he says are just so random and crazy. I had to share some of his tweets with you. Make sure you visit his website: Imrichbroke.com
Lil Duval's definition of a groupie, Inspired by the shoe on E! Candy Girls
1st: if u on atlpics, exclusiveaccess ,indamix or any other damn club picture website site every damn week u a "GROUPIE"
2nd: if u go to out wit a dude and u know most of his friends before he introduces u "GROUPIE"
3rd: if everytime u talk to somebody to someone u start off the conversation wit "i dont want u to think im know groupie or nothin" GROUPIE!
4th: if u know where every studio is in atlanta even dudes that aint big yet "GROUPIE" why else would u know where young cash studio is?
5th: it aint just women either if u a dude thats always tryn to offer a dude u just met to smoke wit u "GROUPIE"
6th: i hate when a dude think if they know yo real name they no u. U be like tip performn 2nite they say "u talking bout clifford?" GROUPIE
7th: if everytime u speak u name drop "GROUPIE"
8TH: if u moved down to atlanta thinking u gon make it doing videos "GROUPIE"
9TH: hood peoplez have them too. if u know only know a dude buy the kindof car he got "GROUPIE"
10: if u done or thought about doing any reality show that had to do wit dating "U A STUPID GROUPIE"
11th: if u over 30 & u doin what u was doin when u 20 & all u have 2 show for it is a child "OLD GROUPIE"
12th: if every relationship u in always end wit u saying "im tired of this dude faking and lying" DUMB GROUPIE" it aint trickn off, its trickn he
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