My best friend and I were talking last night, when the subject of men and the lies they tell to impress us came up. We reminisced on how we have caught so many men in lies that I feel it's almost necessary to do some kind of private eye work just to see if he is worthy of your time. I have 6 cars, and 2 homes. She's just claiming me because she wants what you got. We came to the conclusion that they are lying to impress us, but never really think of the long term affect it would have on us possibly having anything more. Once you find out everything was a lie, your most likely going to be turned off from him never wanting to give him a chance. All the while he could have been a really good guy.
Women lie too, To impress and to be what they think the man is looking for. Women have a tendency to want to be in a relationship so bad that they start changing who they are and doing things they wouldn't do to conform to the man's wishes at that time. Then there are some women who just lie to fit that "good girl" image. Lying about their sexual history, partner's, etc.
Then there are the both sexes that lie to get what they want out of you, and then they can be gone. While talking to my guy friends they were saying they tell huge lies. They never plan on seeing the girl again, and don't want to jeopardize their homes, so they lie about everything from their names to where their from.
I think it is safe to say that some of these lies have to do with first impressions? You put on your biggest and best show in hopes of taking home that number one prize. Some blame it on society knowing the best is always what's expected. When it's all said in done is it really necessary to tell these stories to make yourself seem better when in the end it's not really you that the person sees. Instead a "better version" of you. Knowing that you will get caught is it all worth it?
1 comment:
I must say these are some great points to the crazy adventures of looking for companionship in this day and age.
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