The service opened up with Smokey Robinson reading a letter from Diana Ross who didn't show to the memorial service. She did acknoledge the fact that Michael wanted her to "Be there for his kids" <=== Will speak on that on a later date. There was a 2 - 3 minute silence, in which fox news made sure to point out is "very unorganized" which Lil Mo pointed out on Twitter that's their way of saying the services were ghetto. I don't watch Fox news at all so I didn't care to hear that. Moving along I got caught off guard while the choir was singing Soon and very Soon the pallbearers (MJ's brother's) would bring in the casket. That really got me because I expected it but my mother re-assured me that they weren't bringing the body. Low and behold the casket.

Then there was a poem read titeld We had him ~ Maya Angelou read by Queen Latifah
Lionel Richie sang Jesus is Love. More than them bringing in the casket the true pain and sincerity in Lionel's eyes really did something to me.
This picture of the kids hugging is "Priceless"
So composed and humble.
Arriving to the staples center.
Janet, Latoya, and Rebbie a true example of strength.
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