I only have to issues with this video for one these little mommas need to stay in formation! My second issue is the uniforms! I am not even for grown women wearing things like this. Less is never more when it comes to clothing in my opinion! There is nothing wrong with covering up and still being a "Bad Bish!!"
As for how they are dancing I don't have any issues with it. For the hood mommies and daddies how is this dancing any different then the dancing you have your children do when you wake them up out of their sleep to show your drunk friends that attended your card party Nae Nae's newest dance move? Isn't that the move where she gyrating and moving things I don't even know how to move? Or is that the dance where "Pookie" is hunching the ground talking about he doing the crybaby?!?!? I mean its cute and funny then but now that you see these 7 year old little mommas doing it on TV you want to beat them between their legs and say you can't believe it! Really??? These girlie's could be doing other things. More than likely they are going to continue to dance as they get older or become involved in other constructive things. If you ask me these little ladies are getting it! I love it and I support them. {Let's just change the fits tho'}
Just my opinion
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