I have gotten so much LOVE as we approach 2010. Today I am not going to slam a single celebrity, for this is way bigger than that. 2009 was a rough year for most of us and with 2010 it can ONLY get better. I want to send positive energy and love out in the atmosphere. I feel as tho 2010 is going to be about FAMILY, LOVE, TOGETHERNESS, and Accomplishing GOALS. NO MORE settling for things that weren't really for us in the 1st place. NO MORE taking things that were meant for a season and trying to make it Last for a LIFETIME! Learning to let go of all unhealthy things, people, etc. Just enjoying life for what it is. There will be thousands of people who will not make it into 2010. Seems harsh but it is what it is. So if we get to see 2010 let's live every day like it's our last. Taking the good with the bad knowing that everyday isn't going to be perfect. Sometimes there will be struggles, but doesn't it feel good to know you will make it and come out bigger and better then ever? I don't know about how you are going to approach 2010 but I'm going to come running. Be it the Lord's will I make it, I'm going to snatch it with everything in me. I will enter fearless knowing GOD is for me... it doesn't even matter who is against me! FEARLESS IN 2010. Come on people let's live it breath it and enjoy it FEARLESS in 2010. HERE I come 2010 running and screaming I am so fearless!!!
Thank to all the friends and family that has supported ForeverTrue when ForeverTrue didn't know if she was going to be able to support herself. I love you all. 2010 Here we come!