My girl Deelishis aka London Charles is pregnant from her fiance and she looks GREAT!!!! I love to see a pregnant belly especially on a pretty chick! No matter half naked photo's she has taken or will take she still a raw chick in my book and knows when to turn on the professional and also knows how to let you know she won't play with your a** either!! To read her interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine, and see more pictures make sure you click on
Deelishis on naming her daughter Lexington Brielle: “Orlando’s name is a city. My name is a city. So we wanted to think of a city that was cute enough for her. So I was looking all over the map. He’s Orlando, Florida, and I’m London, England, and so we gave her Lexington, [Kentucky.]”
Deelishis on being pregnant the second time around:
“Orlando talks about me now that I’m pregnant. He says that I am an emotional wreck most of the time, so he has to go into mute world; he nods his head. I think my father taught him this. I will speak and he won’t respond until I’m done with my yelling or venting or saying whatever it is I have to say. And then he says, ‘Okay, yes, dear.’ He has the honey-do thing down pat. So when I say, ‘Honey, I need you to do this. Honey, I need you to do that,’ he says, ‘Okay.’ At the beginning of this pregnancy I was very whiny. I didn’t experience this with Jasmine, but my first trimester was just miserable. I used to call Taj (of the SWV) and I would cry and complain because she had said her pregnancy with Eddie George–their youngest child was so bad the entire nine months. I said, ‘Well, you had to have found some release in some fashion. What did you do for that?’ She said, ‘The only relief was, like, loading up a gun. So I had to decide if I was going to pull the trigger or not.’ By the time I reached my third month, people said that if I wasn’t going to have one of those nine-month-long sickness pregnancies by the time I reached my third month, that I would be okay. That’s true. I’m eating a little bit better. I get around a little bit better because I was miserable. Orlando would cook and I would say, ‘Close the door. I don’t even want to smell it. I don’t even want you to sleep in this room. I have a little Yorkie puppy, and it was so bad I was considering giving her away. I couldn’t take the smell of her either. I went from a 36B to a 38DD. Ma, when I tell you I feel the difference, sometimes I feel like I’m suffocating. I can be driving and I have to unstrap myself in the back from feeling suffocated in the front. So flying has really become a problem for me. So, I said at the end of November that I was going to be done with flying by mid-December. And Orlando said, ‘Well, you can totally take advantage of your music.’ So I’ve been recording down in my home studio, and I’m excited about that because I never really took the time that was needed. I’m writing. A lot of this will be from me.”
Deelishis and Orlando’s Relationship Transforms to Marriage:
“I wanted a marriage, but what he wanted was he didn’t want to change. Orlando has always had–I won’t say a fear of commitment–but he never was required to be in a commitment when he dated other women… So I asked him when we got together, I said… “I don’t care how promiscuous the picture, the web site, the video, whatever you see of London, I’m a well-adjusted person and I have a daughter. So I don’t care what you ever heard of me, you’ve never heard a long line of accusations of men when it related to me, and I wanted to keep it that way.’ I told him I needed that security within our relationship. So, he said, ‘Okay, I think you’re worth it, and I’ll give you that.’
…Then eventually he was like, ‘Okay, let’s spend the rest of our lives together.’ So, I said, ‘Okay, when you put an engagement ring on someone’s finger, especially mine, you make sure that it’s not just to keep me still… So he said, ‘I don’t
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